
Last updated on: October 1st, 2020

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A 45-year-old man is referred for further evaluation after a routine health screening revealed several abnormal laboratory test results. He is currently asymptomatic. There is no history of recent weight gain.

His medical history is only significant for elevated triglyceride levels (~250 mg/dL) detected two years ago. He was asked to make lifestyle modifications but defaulted on follow-up after just one month.

He does not smoke, and only drinks socially, generally not more than 1 to 2 units of alcohol each month. He currently leads a sedentary lifestyle. His laboratory results are as follows:

AST: 55 IU/L (8-48)

ALT: 70 IU/L (7-55)

ALP, Bilirubin, INR: within normal limits

Fasting plasma glucose: 190 mg/dL (70-110)

HbA1c: 7.5%

Triglycerides: 175 mg/dL (<150)

Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL: within normal limits

Iron studies: within normal limits

CRP, ESR: within normal limits

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